[Salon] Prisoner Exchange: The Symbolism behind Gaza's Handover
- To: salon@listserve.com
- Subject: [Salon] Prisoner Exchange: The Symbolism behind Gaza's Handover
- From: Chas Freeman <cwfresidence@gmail.com>
- Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2025 11:40:58 -0500
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FM: John Whitbeck
The report at the link transmitted below on the first half
of yesterday's scheduled hostage swap features a brief video
of a happy and healthy Israeli hostage taking the
opportunity to kiss the foreheads of two Palestinian
This could be a manifestation of "Stockholm syndrome", but
it could also be further evidence that the Palestinian
treatment of Israeli hostages, even under exceptionally
difficult conditions, has been vastly more humane than the
Israeli treatment of Palestinian hostages.
In any case, the reception accorded in Israel to this
released Israeli is likely to be substantially less warm and
euphoric than the receptions accorded to other released
This report was published before Prime Minister Netanyahu
announced that Israel would not be complying with its
obligation to release yesterday more than 600 of the
Palestinian hostages that it is holding because of the
"humiliating ceremonies" accompanying these releases.
It is conceivable that the images of these kisses provided
Netanyahu the excuse he was seeking to violate Israel's
Phase 1 obligations, as soon as all living Israelis
scheduled for release during Phase 1 had been released, and
to resume the genocide.
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